

We want to present you a series of articles about working in the Data Volley program. In our intention they will evolve? from the simplest information for beginners, focusing on the key elements of code writing, to more complex analyzes, our proposed evaluation and analysis systems for individual game elements.
In other words, we would like to create a specific compendium of knowledge, based on the Handbook to Data Volley, but much more practical than it, with comments, proposed practical solutions and work patterns.
This compendium gathers our experiences from working with the program and aims to introduce into the world of Data Volley, systematize certain information and facilitate building the foundations on the basis of which each of you, statisticians, can then develop your work system according to your own
An important point that we would like to draw your attention to (and which we will continue to remind you of) is that most of the estimated numerical or percentage values given will relate to the male retina. It should be remembered that already there, depending on the level of games, the mean values of many indicators differ significantly, while comparing male and female volleyball is pointless.

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